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What are Some Key Considerations for Maintaining a Remote Workforce During (or After) the COVID-19 Crisis?

Posted May 29, 2020 in Articles

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has forced almost every company in America to change the way it operates. For many companies, this has involved transitioning employees to working from home. As the federal government and many states begin the process of looking toward the future, companies are shifting their focus as well, and many are considering the possibility of maintaining a remote workforce on a permanent basis.

Recently, Facebook announced that 50 percent of its workforce will likely be remote by 2030. With nearly 45,000 employees currently (and with plans to “aggressively” recruit employees for remote positions), this represents a major undertaking – even for a tech-focused company. Companies that have already undertaken transitional efforts during the COVID-19 crisis will be a step ahead, but looking at a permanent change will require additional planning, preparation and risk mitigation.

3 Key Considerations for Effectively Managing a Remote Workforce

Even if you are not thinking about allowing your company’s employees to work from home permanently, as there is currently no clear end sight for the COVID-19 crisis, it is important to make sure that your company’s current policies and procedures are adequate. Here are some key considerations for maintaining a remote workforce during and after the pandemic:

1. Protecting Your Company’s, Employees’ and Customers’ Data

Data protection is a key issue for companies with remote workforces. Employees’ home Internet connections are almost certain to be significantly less secure than their employers’ company networks, and there are physical exposure risks as well. Companies must adopt policies and procedures that are appropriate to their industry-specific data protection needs, and some companies may need to consider supplying their employees with hardware as well.

2. Meeting Contractual Obligations to Clients and Customers

Although there is data to suggest that some employees are more efficient when working from home, this certainly is not the case universally. With this in mind, employers must have the ability to ensure that their employees are still getting their work done on time and on budget. While some customers and clients may have been more willing to accommodate delays early in the COVID-19 pandemic, this leniency is almost certain to wane as time moves on

3. Hiring and Retaining a Remote Workforce

Many employees value the opportunity to make in-person connections at work, and they are likely to resist making a long-term or permanent switch to working from home. If left with no other option, they may choose to look elsewhere for employment. As a result, employee retention is an important consideration that needs to factor into companies’ decisions during and after the COVID-19 crisis. Likewise, when recruiting new employees, companies must ensure that they are targeting candidates who are interested in working remotely (and capable of doing so effectively).

Contact Mithras Investments

Do you have questions or concerns about your company’s transition to a remote workforce? If so, we encourage you to get in touch. To speak with a consultant at Mithras Investments, call us at 305-517-7911 or inquire online today.

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