Mithras Investments, LLC maintains a network of consultants in a wide scope of industries in every region of the world. We attribute our success to the bright minds of our global team.
Mithras Investments offers our workforce the exciting opportunity to work on resolving complex issues for worldwide industry leaders. With no project like the last, our consultants are constantly challenged and are always learning. Mithras Investments offers competitive pay, flexibility and ample opportunity for career advancement.
Industry Specialties
Mithras Investments regularly handles projects in a number of complex sectors. We are always looking for top talent in our targeted industries, including:
- Banking
- Technology
- Telecommunications
- Oil and gas
- Utilities
- Alternative energy
- Manufacturing
- Sourcing
- Distribution
- Retail
- Media
- Marketing
- Sales
The Mithras Investments team may also consider candidates who specialize in industries other than those listed here. As the needs of our clients change and expand, so do our needs for experts in those areas.
Expertise and Skill-Sets
Our consultants engage in a wide range of services specifically tailored to each project. No project is ever completely alike and some may require unusual skill-sets. That is why we always like to hear from candidates with special skills and knowledge who we can add to our database of freelancers.
We regularly recruit candidates with these vital skill-sets:
- Due diligence — We need consultants who can ensure our clients remain in compliance with the laws of the United States and countries throughout the world, who are familiar with relevant international treaties and who understand industry-specific best practices.
- Risk analysis — Our risk analysis team assesses risks from a variety of perspectives, such as legal, financial, sustainability, competitiveness, consumer loyalty and reputation.
- Negotiations — Our transaction negotiators have experience in negotiation strategies and techniques, particularly between international parties and involving industry-specific matters.
- Mergers and acquisitions — We guide M&A of U.S. and multinational entities at each phase, including due diligence and risk analysis, negotiation of the transaction and post-merger restructuring.
- Research — We are interested in candidates with knowledge about the various primary and secondary research methodologies and can choose the most appropriate means of obtaining accurate, relevant information.
- Customer care — All of our employees and independent contractors provide the highest quality customer care.
Our Commitment to Diversity
Mithras Investments is an equal opportunity employer, and has a strong commitment to the principle of diversity.
Our consultants come from a variety of backgrounds and live in countries across the globe. By maintaining a global network, we are able to deliver timely, dependable services to our clients. Our diverse workforce provides essential insight into real-time events that may affect our clients’ projects and can break through language and cultural barriers to perpetuate smooth negotiations.
We enthusiastically encourage candidates from diverse backgrounds to apply for a position with Mithras Investments.
If you are interested in joining the Mithras Investments team, please submit your resume to and we will contact you if your qualifications match our current or anticipated future needs.
Contact Mithras Investments
For Strategic Answers
To learn more about services offered by Mithras Investments to multinational corporations across the globe, call our consulting firm at + 1-305-517-7911 or send us an email using our online system. Our existing clients can also use our convenient client login terminal.